venus & mars dance

Recently I came across an advertisement on TV, think was for a breakfast cereal brand, which made me chuckle immediately. The story portrayed an interaction between a couple, where there was the husband, clueless as ever, frantically hunting for his socks (or was it his tie?) which he miraculously could not find, and some instinctive logic in him suggested that his wife would know. Of course, she would know! Meanwhile, his wife, the protagonist of this story, was seen seething with rage from inside, wanting to knock the socks of the poor bugger, who according to her was ‘immature and needed to grow up’. And then, there was a smart segue of the brand acting as a savior in this situation.

But of course, my reasons for chuckling were obvious. It wasn’t as if the ad showed anything new; we have all read umpteen number of men vs. women stories to almost know them by rote. But for some 40 seconds, I could relate to the story and I felt at one with women across the world.

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